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Tags: Web Design

What Goes into Managing a WordPress Website?

What Goes into Managing a WordPress Website?

Beyond convenience, an obvious benefit of technology is that it enables us to be more productive and more responsive to customer needs. But this sword cuts another way: technology is not only becoming more complex and difficult to manage, but more difficult to defend from the bad guys. The same is true of websites. Today’s […]

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Why WordPress is the Best Platform for Your Website

Why WordPress is the Best Platform for Your Website

WordPress is a popular content management system that is used to create feature-rich websites. Because it is built around open source standards, increasing levels of functionality can be added to your website through theme selection and plug-in software modules that also adhere to the standards. Of the major content management systems, WordPress is the platform […]

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What Goes into a More Inviting Website?

What Goes into a More Inviting Website?

When developing a website, there are simple ways to break up content to make your home page more interesting. This will encourage visitors to stay longer and help you achieve your goals. If your website looks too complex, visitors may not stick around long enough for you to make your case. Start with the content… […]

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Why Do So Many Websites Use WordPress?

Why Do So Many Websites Use WordPress?

There are dozens of platforms available for building websites, but none is more popular than WordPress. Since its debut in 2003, WordPress has become the easiest and most robust way for new and established businesses to reach and engage potential customers, showcase and sell products and services, and distribute information to a wide audience – […]

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When to Use a Web Maintenance Service

When to Use a Web Maintenance Service

As websites grow in sophistication, they are becoming more challenging to maintain. To meet customers’ high expectations, it is taking more time to keep websites running smoothly. And when problems arise, the right expertise must be applied to return the website to normal operation. Many business owners do not have the time or inclination to […]

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Tips for Choosing a Web Developer

Tips for Choosing a Web Developer

Once you have figured out what type of website your business needs, the timeframe for its completion, and how much money you are willing to spend on the project, the next step is to evaluate potential developers. To get the ball rolling, it’s a good idea to have your business requirements spelled out in a […]

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Choose a WordPress Theme That Works Well on Mobile Phones

Choose a WordPress Theme That Works Well on Mobile Phones

Over 60% of web traffic comes through mobile phones, so it stands to reason that your website should be mobile friendly too; that is, displays properly on mobile phones by adjusting automatically to different screen sizes. But many WordPress themes are not responsive, so you have to choose carefully, especially since responsive design and being […]

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Keeping Up with the Latest Web Design Trends

Keeping Up with the Latest Web Design Trends

Web design trends are constantly evolving to reflect changes in technology, user behavior, and the preferences of website visitors. Here are a few of the latest design trends that are shaping the way websites are created and used. Dark mode This feature offers users the option to switch to a dark color scheme. This trend […]

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