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Website Design

Xpheria Gets You There

The public now expects every organization to have a website. They are now as essential a marketing tool as telephones and printed brochures. But static websites are not enough to drive your organization forward. Your website must be visually compelling and contain decision-making information that is easy to find.

What We Offer

Getting to this point requires a combination of marketing savvy, technical expertise, detailed knowledge of business applications, and familiarity with the latest web programming tools – all skills typically found within big businesses. For smaller companies, Xpheria offers the skill set to build a new website, or fine-tune and manage an existing one, with all the features and functionality you require.

Why WordPress

Xpheria uses an open source content management system based on WordPress. This modular, database-driven framework enjoys global popularity for its ease of use and advanced features. In fact, 43% of websites worldwide are built with WordPress.

Everything You Need. More Than You Expect.
703-407-4363 |


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