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Smethport Web Becomes Xpheria

Name Change

Smethport Web Services has announced its name change to Xpheria, a move that will facilitate the firm’s entry into new markets with a portfolio of advanced services.

Xpheria’s Nathan Muller noted, “The name change is intended to reposition us from a purely local service provider to that of a national brand reflective of our expansion into new markets. Our services now go far beyond designing websites, to protecting them against security threats and providing multi-level backups to prevent catastophic loss. We also build private portal, e-commerce and online learning sites.”

Linda Muller at Xpheria said, “We are very excited about our success in new markets and advanced service offerings. We bring to each engagement broad experience in serving organizations of all sizes and in a variety of market segments. The insights gleaned from our highly differentiated customer base benefit all clients. We also help position clients to take advantage of new and emerging technologies when they are ready.”

About Xpheria

For over 20 years, Nathan and Linda Muller have grown their operation into an innovative and reliable provider of online business solutions. Xpheria is based in Smethport, PA.


Nathan Muller is the author of 29 technical books and over 3,000 articles that have appeared in 75 publications worldwide. He also writes articles, blogs and social media content for tech companies and their executives.

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