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Why Xpheria

Experience & Leadership

Since 1987, Xpheria has grown into a leading provider of web services for small to large enterprises.

Based in Smethport, PA, we serve thousands of clients and their local and global locations. Our partnerships and resources enable us to serve client locations in markets across America and the world.

We serve every industry and business model, including Hospitality, Healthcare, Tech, Software, Financial Services, Retail, Government/Education, and Real Estate.

Personalized Solutions & Exceptional Service

At Xpheria, we stay focused on serving you. We continue to build on our record of personalized strategic planning, single-source solutions, and exceptional customer support.

Our proven technology solutions reduce your costs, increase your revenues, and improve your operations. Our outstanding support teams manage all the details.

Proven Performance, Lasting Relationships

We have the strength, scale, resources, market coverage, and experience to meet all of your turn-key Voice and IT requirements. We’re focused on helping you get your organization to the next level.

Everything You Need. More Than You Expect.
703-407-4363 |

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